Wheelhouse News
Have questions about touring and applying for an apartment, making rent payments, or making a maintenance request? We’ve got you covered. Our handy Frequently Asked Questions section covers most everything you need to know, such as:
- Touring and Applying for An Apartment
- Application Fees
- Application Requirements
- Pet Policies
- Renter’s Insurance
- Making a Rent Payment
- Setting Up Your Online Portal
- Referring a Friend
- Making a Maintenance Request
- … and More!
Visit our FAQ section >>
Working for Wheelhouse Apartments means a great job, with great benefits and room to grow your career. And all that in beautiful Denver, Colorado.
Wheelhouse Apartments is a locally-owned management company with properties in Denver and beyond. We pride ourselves on providing unique apartment living along with outstanding customer service for our current and prospective residents.
Interested in adding your skills to our great team? Take a look at our current job openings.

This summer has proven to be a hot one, and it’s important to remember that our pets can as easily be affected by the heat as their humans. The Humane Society of the United States has some great tips on how to keep your pets cool. For the full story, go to their website, but here’s their quick list:
- Never leave your pets in a parked car, not even for a minute
- Watch the humidity; the higher the humidity, the more difficult it is for your pet to cool itself
- Limit exercise on hot days; early morning or late evening is best
- Don’t rely on a fan; fans do not effectively cool off pets
- Provide ample shade and water; tree shade and tarps are best
- Add ice cubes to your pet’s water for extra cooling
- Keep your pet from overheating indoors or out with a cooling body wrap, vest or mat
- Watch for signs of heatstroke, including heavy panting, rapid heartbeat, and lethargy, and contact your veterinarian
For details on these tips and more, please visit the Humane Society website.